poetry wiz..you can do it b/c i'll teach you!!

1st of all..what is poetry? poetry is a way of expressing urself. well...its definitly not for everyone...but thas ok. well, that doesn't mean give up. if you need help on a specific type of poetry or are stuck...or want to request something..email me ( at cgree@gmx.com ) our fist type of poetry is a haiku. a form of japanese peotry that is about something in nature. it has three lines..on the first...it has five syllables total. on the second line, it has 7 total syllables. and on the last, five syllables total. it may sound hard, but its not! follow the steps!

1. choose your topic. it can be a deer, a tomato, anything in NATURE!!!

2. inspiration. you may want to look at your topic or find a picture of it. this will help give you ideas. you can also listen to a song about. example, a picture of a tomato or eating a tomato (EEEW! I HATE TOMATOES)

3. decide. decide what you wanna say about your topic. (only focus on the first line) you may want to say what the topic looks or feels like. dont worry about the syllables right now. just brainstorm. (example: i may wanna say what the tomato looks like. here is what i might brainstorm: red, juicy, plump, and delicious looking.)

4. reword into a line. remember, dont worry about syllables or any of the other lines, only focus on the 1st line. reword what you brainstormed about your topic into a "sentence". your "sentence" does not have to be gramatically correct. in other words, you can write what your english teacher wouldn't calla "proper" or "correct" sentence. (example, i might put: tomatoes, juicy, plump and delicious)

5. syllables. the first line, which is what we're working on, will have 5 sllables total. 1st, see how many sllables your line already has. it may have more or less than 5. if you dont know how to clap your hands and find the # of syllables, you can use a dictionary and find out. (example, my 1st line has 9 sllables.)

6. rewording and eliminating. look at your 1st line. which word has the most syllables? in my example, I would say "delicious" does. get rid of it. of the word i mean. sayd you're writing about a hippopatomus. of course, you're probably going to use that word and its going to have the most syllables. dont get rid of it though. so, in my example, its going to say: tomatoes, juicy, plump.

7. check. check and see how many syllables your line has. my example line has 6 syllables. 1 too many. yours may have 12 or 3 or 8. or any other number. keep rewording until you get 5 syllables. if you get stuck or need my help, email me (cgree@gmx.com). then, do the same steps for the second line, but it will have 7 syllables instead. and the last line, the 3rd one, will have 5 syllables.

ahh..you've finished the haiku? you havent? you gave up? oh, well, thats okay. I have a different one for you. the next one we have is a cinquain, and its much easier. They have 5 lines total. they dont rhyme.

1. remember, focus on the 1st line only. pick a subject to write about. it has to bea noun, and the first line will be your title. for example, my title is "dog". i will be writing about a dog. remember, your title can only be 1 word.

2. the 2nd line will be a description of the noun (your title, the word on the 1st line) in other word, i will be using adjectives (2) that descibe a dog. for example, i might put "brown, cuddly"

3. the 3rd line will be an action of the title. you will use verbs. it will be 3 words. for example, i might put: "sitting on me"

4.the 4th line will be a feeling about the title. it will be 4 words long. for example, i might put "my best friend forever"

5. the last and final line will be again, the title. it will be 1 word long. however, you cannot say the same word you said on the 1st line. you have to use a synonym, a word that means the same thing. as you may recall, onthe 1st line I put "dog" so, this time, I could put "puppy" because they mean the same thing.

A poem about your favorite color. Express your feelings about a single color with analogies or similes or list nouns which are (or remind you of) that color. Another easy form is to use the 5 senses-looks like, sounds like, smells like, tastes like, feels like.
Color looks like
Color sounds like
Color smells like
Color tastes like
Color feels like

An example is -
Orange is feeling in your stomach after an orange soda quenched your thirst.
Orange is the sun after a summer day.
Orange is the sound of a field filled with dandelions blowing in the wind.
Orange is the taste of cold glass of orange juice.
Orange is the feeling inside you when you accomplish something.
Orange is the sound of an orange growing.
Orange is the color of a carrot that just popped out of the ground.
Orange is the smell of a Tiger-Lily petal.
Orange is the feeling after a baby smiles.
Orange is the feeling of a puppy's fur.


here is a website that you may want to go to, its a really good site about poetry an its not hard. http://www.kathimitchell.com/poemtypes.html thanks for reading this, I hope i've helped you alot.

More Resources: http://www.suite101.com/content/writing-poems-with-kids-a23148
you may wish to go to a search engine (like google or bing) and type in something like "poetry how to" or "how to write a poem"